AI Minesweeper


You’ve been playing Minesweeper, and suddenly, Boom! You make a blunder and lose all the progress you’ve made so far. That’s not what you wanted. How can you improve your gameplay to increase your chances of winning? This is the motivation behind this project.

Nuts and bolts

Propositional logic is an effective approach to improving the chances of winning the game by enabling the AI agent to make inferences based on acquired knowledge. In propositional logic, statements are formulated in terms of propositions, which can be either true or false but not both.

There are five essential operators in propositional logic:

  • And (conjunction)
  • Or (disjunction)
  • Not (negation)
  • If-then (implication)
  • If and only if (biconditional)

Leveraging these logical operations in computers makes it possible to implement such logic for the AI agent. In Minesweeper, each number displayed on the board represents the count of mines in the surrounding tiles. Utilizing these numbers, I constructed a knowledge base for the agent. If the agent is certain that a tile is not a mine, it will make that move. Otherwise, it will randomly select a tile to play and update its knowledge based on the newly obtained information.

Final result

The following demonstrates the game in action. The game can be played either solo or with the assistance of the AI agent. It should be noted that even with the AI agent’s help, there are instances where it is uncertain which tile contains the mine. In such cases, when no safe move is known, the AI agent will choose a tile randomly. However, during this random selection, there is a possibility that the chosen tile contains a mine, resulting in a loss of the game.

Reference to the stub code