Virus drug treatment simulation


As you may know from introductory biology classes, the traits of an organism are determined by its genetic code. When organisms reproduce, their offspring inherit genetic information from their parents. This genetic information can be modified through the mixing of the parents’ genetic material or through mutations during genome replication, introducing diversity into a population.

Viruses 🦠 are no exception. Two characteristics of viruses make them particularly challenging to treat. First, their replication mechanism often lacks error-checking mechanisms found in more complex organisms, leading to a higher rate of mutation. Second, viruses replicate at an extremely rapid pace (orders of magnitude faster than humans). Therefore, while we usually associate evolution with long time scales, virus populations can undergo significant evolutionary changes within a single patient during treatment.

These two characteristics enable virus populations to quickly acquire genetic resistance to therapy. In this project, I will utilize stochastic simulations to explore the impact of introducing drugs 💊 on the virus population. The aim is to determine the most effective approach to address these treatment challenges within a simplified model.


To simulate a virus-infected patient within the digital realm, I have utilized my expertise in stochastic simulation. This approach entails the use of random variables and probabilistic processes to model the inherent uncertainty and randomness present in a given process. It proves particularly valuable when simulating the rapid mutations observed in viruses.

Final result

A patient without any treatment

Two simulations are required to assess the effectiveness of the drugs. The first simulation involves infecting a patient with the virus and not administering any drugs. The following section illustrates the details of the first simulation.

The x-axis represents the time unit (e.g., days), while the y-axis represents the average population of the viruses. The simulation indicates that as time progresses, the virus population in the patient’s body reaches its maximum limit.

A patient with treatment

To observe the impact of the drugs on the viruses, the patient initiates drug treatment starting from day 150. It becomes evident that as the patient begins the medication, the virus population experiences a significant decrease. However, it should be noted that certain viruses exhibit resistance to the treatment and remain unaffected (indicated by the orange line). Unfortunately, due to the inherent traits of the viruses, they eventually develop resistance to the drug through mutation, rendering the treatment ineffective. This necessitates the need for a new treatment. The following presents the outcomes in detail.